Short Term Investment Plans with High Returns

Short Term Investment Plans with High Returns
Short Term Investment Plans with High Returns

Hello Friend, if you’re looking for investment opportunities that offer high returns in a short period, you’re in the right place. This article will provide you with insights on some of the best short-term investment plans that can help you grow your wealth quickly.

What are Short Term Investment Plans?

Short term investment plans refer to investment options that offer quick returns within a period of less than five years. These investment options are perfect for investors who want to grow their wealth in a short period without risking their capital.

Top 5 Short Term Investment Plans with High Returns

1. Fixed Deposits

Fixed deposits are one of the safest and most popular short-term investment options. Banks and financial institutions offer fixed deposit plans with attractive interest rates that range from 5% to 8% per annum. The interest rates may vary based on the bank and tenure of the deposit. Fixed deposits are also backed by the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation, which insures your deposits up to Rs. 5 lakh.

2. Recurring Deposits

Recurring deposits are another popular short-term investment option that offer attractive returns. They work similar to fixed deposits, except that you need to make monthly deposits instead of a lump sum. Recurring deposits offer interest rates that range from 5% to 7% per annum. The interest rates may vary based on the bank and tenure of the deposit.

3. Liquid Funds

Liquid funds are a type of mutual fund that invests in debt and money market instruments. They are a low-risk investment option that offer high liquidity and quick returns. Liquid funds offer returns that range from 4% to 7% per annum. They are an ideal investment option for investors who want to park their surplus funds for a short period.

4. Savings Account

A savings account is a basic bank account that allows you to deposit and withdraw funds as per your convenience. Savings accounts offer interest rates that range from 3% to 5% per annum. Some banks also offer higher interest rates on savings accounts for senior citizens. Savings accounts are a good investment option for short-term goals.

5. Corporate Deposits

Corporate deposits are fixed deposits that are offered by non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) and corporate entities. They offer higher interest rates than bank fixed deposits and are an ideal investment option for investors who want to earn higher returns in a short period. Corporate deposits offer interest rates that range from 6% to 9% per annum.


Question Answer
1. What is the minimum investment amount for fixed deposits? The minimum investment amount for fixed deposits varies from bank to bank. It can range from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 10,000.
2. Can I withdraw my money from fixed deposits before maturity? Yes, you can withdraw your money from fixed deposits before maturity. However, you may need to pay a penalty fee for premature withdrawal.
3. How are recurring deposits different from fixed deposits? Recurring deposits require you to make monthly deposits, while fixed deposits require you to deposit a lump sum amount. The interest rates for both these investments may differ, and the tenure of the investment may also vary.
4. Are liquid funds safe? Liquid funds are a low-risk investment option, and they are considered relatively safe. However, they are not entirely risk-free, and their returns are subject to market fluctuations.
5. How can I open a corporate deposit? You can open a corporate deposit by contacting the non-banking financial company or corporate entity that offers the deposit. You will need to submit a few documents and complete the formalities to open the deposit account.

Factors to Consider Before Investing in Short-Term Investment Plans

Before investing in any short-term investment plan, you need to consider a few factors such as:

  • Investment Goals: You need to identify your investment goals and the tenure of your investment.
  • Risk Appetite: You need to assess your risk appetite and choose an investment option that suits your risk profile.
  • Interest Rates: You need to compare the interest rates offered by different investment options and choose the one that offers the highest returns.
  • Liquidity: You need to consider the liquidity of the investment option and choose one that allows you to withdraw your funds without any penalty.
  • Tax Implications: You need to consider the tax implications of your investment and choose an option that offers tax benefits or has the lowest tax liability.


Short-term investment plans can help you grow your wealth quickly and are an ideal investment option for investors who want to earn high returns without risking their capital. Fixed deposits, recurring deposits, liquid funds, savings accounts, and corporate deposits are some of the best short-term investment plans that offer attractive returns. However, before investing in any of these options, you need to assess your risk profile, investment goals, and other factors that may affect your investment.

Thank you for reading this article, and we hope that it has provided you with valuable insights into short-term investment plans with high returns. Stay tuned for more interesting articles on personal finance and investment.

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